COVID-19 Preparedness Plan at
SS Medical Supply Inc

Home COVID-19 Preparedness Plan

To our patients and community of the Tampa Bay Area, Florida:

As you all know we are facing and dealing with an unprecedented event: The Corona Virus (COVID-19) Pandemic. This current global outbreak has recently been declared a pandemic by the World Health Organization (WHO) on March 11, 2020.

Amidst the rapidly evolving global situation of the COVID-19, our office remains open with limited staff available to handle the medical need of our patients.

SS Medical Supply strives to keep the safety of our patients and employees as our top priority. As a result of that and in an effort to minimize the spread of the Corona Virus (COVID-19), we are actively monitoring the alerts from reliable sources as the World Health Organization (WHO); the OSHA; Centers for Disease Control & Prevention (CDC); and the Florida Health Department, in order to follow the required guidelines.

SS Medical Supply reminds staff to practice at all time the preventative measures as Standard Precautions and Personal Protective Equipment (PPE), used during flu season, including the frequent Handwashing, covering coughs and sneezes, and also the use of gloves and face masks when in contact with patients. We will take whatever actions are required in order to protect our patients, staff and the general public.

For additional information visit the following helpful links:

World Health Organization (WHO)

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)

Florida Department of Health


Fact Sheets and more Resources

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